7 Major e-Commerce Marketing Concepts Every Marketer Should Know

7 Major e-Commerce Marketing Concepts Every Marketer Should Know
e-Commerce is the most competitive industry existing on the Internet. No matter what you are selling, you will surely find at least one competitor selling the same product. In order to discard the competitors and earn a good amount of revenue, you will have to use the basic and necessary e-Commerce marketing concepts that will take your business to the next level of success.
e-Commerce Marketing Concepts: :
- Responsive Design
In the current market, desktops and laptops are less used while the mobile device has become the preference of users. Make sure your e-commerce website should be responsive to easily accessible on any device. Responsive design of your website automatically fits any device and allow the user to easily explore, order and track the product. A non-responsive website may lose you many customers. - Personalization
It is a process of tracking your site visitors and find what they are looking for on your site. Using this, you get a better understanding of the preferences of people. Following your customer’s preferable needs, you can use cookies to a customer for experiencing your website. Using this way, you can build a relationship with your site visitor. - Product Recommendations
It shows that your customer is potential and you pay attention to their searches. Product recommendation has a number of ways to be used, such as:
One can add their own company recommendation related to the product/products that are similar to the one which the customer has bought already.
An individual can highlight the recommendations for the items in wish-lists. It should be the items that the customer can share with others. - Cart Reminders
Often, the customer leaves the website with the product in their carts. So, you can use the cart reminder via email that is auto-generated send to the customer whenever the product is left in cart. The email should be sent alternatively within a week or month. - Product Social Sharing
With the aim to increase your customer base, product social sharing is one of the best techniques. Social media is leading day by day, everyone eager to share activities on various social media networks. It turns out to be beneficial when people buy something and share its post with people in their touch. - Product Review
Do you know, more than 70% of people rely on customer reviews when dealing with an online company? 63% sale of any product depends on the product rating. In order to receive maximum customers, adding a review to your e-commerce website is valuable to encourage the customers to deal with you. On the basis of your website ranking, reviews keep your site content updated. Additionally, you come to know a lot about what you need to improve in your online business. - Email Campaigns
Along with sending an abandoned cart email, you can also send personalized updates mail related to the new product, offers and many more. The personalized emails can also be sent on special days like birthdays.
If you really aspire to grow your e-Commerce company then get in touch with FireMedia. We use the most recent techniques and tools to provide 100% guaranteed results.